home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /*
- HTTrack Website Copier, Offline Browser for Windows and Unix
- Copyright (C) Xavier Roche and other contributors
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Important notes:
- - We hereby ask people using this source NOT to use it in purpose of grabbing
- emails addresses, or collecting any other private information on persons.
- This would disgrace our work, and spoil the many hours we spent on it.
- Please visit our Website: http://www.httrack.com
- */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* File: htsshow.c console progress info */
- /* Author: Xavier Roche */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- #include "htsglobal.h"
- #include "htscore.h"
- typedef struct {
- char name[1024];
- char file[1024];
- char state[256];
- char url_sav[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; // pour cancel
- char url_adr[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];
- char url_fil[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];
- LLint size;
- LLint sizetot;
- int offset;
- //
- int back;
- //
- int actived; // pour disabled
- } t_StatsBuffer;
- typedef struct {
- int ask_refresh;
- int refresh;
- LLint stat_bytes;
- int stat_time;
- int lien_n;
- int lien_tot;
- int stat_nsocket;
- int rate;
- int irate;
- int ft;
- LLint stat_written;
- int stat_updated;
- int stat_errors;
- int stat_warnings;
- int stat_infos;
- TStamp stat_timestart;
- int stat_back;
- } t_InpInfo;
- // wrappers
- static void __cdecl htsshow_init(void);
- static void __cdecl htsshow_uninit(void);
- static int __cdecl htsshow_start(httrackp* opt);
- static int __cdecl htsshow_chopt(httrackp* opt);
- static int __cdecl htsshow_end(void);
- static int __cdecl htsshow_checkhtml(char* html,int len,char* url_adresse,char* url_fichier);
- static int __cdecl htsshow_loop(lien_back* back,int back_max,int back_index,int lien_n,int lien_tot,int stat_time,hts_stat_struct* stats);
- static char* __cdecl htsshow_query(char* question);
- static char* __cdecl htsshow_query2(char* question);
- static char* __cdecl htsshow_query3(char* question);
- static int __cdecl htsshow_check(char* adr,char* fil,int status);
- static void __cdecl htsshow_pause(char* lockfile);
- static void __cdecl htsshow_filesave(char* file);
- static int __cdecl htsshow_linkdetected(char* link);
- static int __cdecl htsshow_xfrstatus(lien_back* back);
- static int __cdecl htsshow_savename(char* adr_complete,char* fil_complete,char* referer_adr,char* referer_fil,char* save);
- static int __cdecl htsshow_sendheader(char* buff, char* adr, char* fil, char* referer_adr, char* referer_fil, htsblk* outgoing);
- static int __cdecl htsshow_receiveheader(char* buff, char* adr, char* fil, char* referer_adr, char* referer_fil, htsblk* incoming);
- int main(int argc, char **argv);
- static void vt_color(int text,int back);
- static void vt_clear(void);
- static void vt_home(void);
- #endif
- /* */
- // Engine internal variables
- typedef void (* htsErrorCallback)(char* msg, char* file, int line);
- extern HTSEXT_API htsErrorCallback htsCallbackErr;
- extern HTSEXT_API int htsMemoryFastXfr;
- /* */
- extern HTSEXT_API hts_stat_struct HTS_STAT;
- extern int _DEBUG_HEAD;
- extern FILE* ioinfo;
- // from htsbase.h
- /* protected strcat, strncat and strcpy - definitely useful */
- #define strcatbuff(A, B) do { \
- assertf( (A) != NULL ); \
- if ( ! (B) ) { assertf( 0 ); } \
- if (htsMemoryFastXfr) { \
- if (sizeof(A) != sizeof(char*)) { \
- (A)[sizeof(A) - 1] = '\0'; \
- } \
- strcat(A, B); \
- if (sizeof(A) != sizeof(char*)) { \
- assertf((A)[sizeof(A) - 1] == '\0'); \
- } \
- } else { \
- unsigned int sz = (unsigned int) strlen(A); \
- unsigned int szf = (unsigned int) strlen(B); \
- if (sizeof(A) != sizeof(char*)) { \
- assertf(sz + szf + 1 < sizeof(A)); \
- if (szf > 0) { \
- if (sz + szf + 1 < sizeof(A)) { \
- memcpy((A) + sz, (B), szf + 1); \
- } \
- } \
- } else if (szf > 0) { \
- memcpybuff((A) + sz, (B), szf + 1); \
- } \
- } \
- } while(0)
- #define strncatbuff(A, B, N) do { \
- assertf( (A) != NULL ); \
- if ( ! (B) ) { assertf( 0 ); } \
- if (htsMemoryFastXfr) { \
- if (sizeof(A) != sizeof(char*)) { \
- (A)[sizeof(A) - 1] = '\0'; \
- } \
- strncat(A, B, N); \
- if (sizeof(A) != sizeof(char*)) { \
- assertf((A)[sizeof(A) - 1] == '\0'); \
- } \
- } else { \
- unsigned int sz = (unsigned int) strlen(A); \
- unsigned int szf = (unsigned int) strlen(B); \
- if (szf > (unsigned int) (N)) szf = (unsigned int) (N); \
- if (sizeof(A) != sizeof(char*)) { \
- assertf(sz + szf + 1 < sizeof(A)); \
- if (szf > 0) { \
- if (sz + szf + 1 < sizeof(A)) { \
- memcpy((A) + sz, (B), szf); \
- * ( (A) + sz + szf) = '\0'; \
- } \
- } \
- } else if (szf > 0) { \
- memcpybuff((A) + sz, (B), szf); \
- * ( (A) + sz + szf) = '\0'; \
- } \
- } \
- } while(0)
- #define strcpybuff(A, B) do { \
- assertf( (A) != NULL ); \
- if ( ! (B) ) { assertf( 0 ); } \
- if (htsMemoryFastXfr) { \
- if (sizeof(A) != sizeof(char*)) { \
- (A)[sizeof(A) - 1] = '\0'; \
- } \
- strcpy(A, B); \
- if (sizeof(A) != sizeof(char*)) { \
- assertf((A)[sizeof(A) - 1] == '\0'); \
- } \
- } else { \
- unsigned int szf = (unsigned int) strlen(B); \
- if (sizeof(A) != sizeof(char*)) { \
- assertf(szf + 1 < sizeof(A)); \
- if (szf > 0) { \
- if (szf + 1 < sizeof(A)) { \
- memcpy((A), (B), szf + 1); \
- } else { \
- * (A) = '\0'; \
- } \
- } else { \
- * (A) = '\0'; \
- } \
- } else { \
- memcpybuff((A), (B), szf + 1); \
- } \
- } \
- } while(0)
- #define strncpybuff(A, B, N) do { \
- assertf( (A) != NULL ); \
- if ( ! (B) ) { assertf( 0 ); } \
- if (htsMemoryFastXfr) { \
- if (sizeof(A) != sizeof(char*)) { \
- (A)[sizeof(A) - 1] = '\0'; \
- } \
- strncpy(A, B, N); \
- if (sizeof(A) != sizeof(char*)) { \
- assertf((A)[sizeof(A) - 1] == '\0'); \
- } \
- } else { \
- unsigned int szf = (unsigned int) strlen(B); \
- if (szf > (unsigned int) (N)) szf = (unsigned int) (N); \
- if (sizeof(A) != sizeof(char*)) { \
- assertf(szf + 1 < sizeof(A)); \
- if (szf > 0) { \
- if (szf + 1 < sizeof(A)) { \
- memcpy((A), (B), szf); \
- } \
- } \
- } else { \
- memcpybuff((A), (B), szf); \
- } \
- } \
- } while(0)
- // emergency log
- typedef void (*t_abortLog)(char* msg, char* file, int line);
- extern HTSEXT_API t_abortLog abortLog__;
- #define abortLog(a) abortLog__(a, __FILE__, __LINE__)
- #define abortLogFmt(a) do { \
- FILE* fp = fopen("CRASH.TXT", "wb"); \
- if (!fp) fp = fopen("/tmp/CRASH.TXT", "wb"); \
- if (!fp) fp = fopen("C:\\CRASH.TXT", "wb"); \
- if (fp) { \
- fprintf(fp, "HTTrack " HTTRACK_VERSIONID " closed at '" __FILE__ "', line %d\r\n", __LINE__); \
- fprintf(fp, "Reason:\r\n"); \
- fprintf(fp, a); \
- fprintf(fp, "\r\n"); \
- fflush(fp); \
- fclose(fp); \
- } \
- } while(0)
- #define _ ,
- #define abortLogFmt(a) do { \
- FILE* fp = fopen("CRASH.TXT", "wb"); \
- if (!fp) fp = fopen("/tmp/CRASH.TXT", "wb"); \
- if (!fp) fp = fopen("C:\\CRASH.TXT", "wb"); \
- if (fp) { \
- fprintf(fp, "HTTrack " HTTRACK_VERSIONID " closed at '" __FILE__ "', line %d\r\n", __LINE__); \
- fprintf(fp, "Reason:\r\n"); \
- fprintf(fp, a); \
- fprintf(fp, "\r\n"); \
- fflush(fp); \
- fclose(fp); \
- } \
- } while(0)
- #define assertf(exp) do { \
- if (! ( exp ) ) { \
- abortLog("assert failed: " #exp); \
- if (htsCallbackErr != NULL) { \
- htsCallbackErr("assert failed: " #exp, __FILE__ , __LINE__ ); \
- } \
- assert(exp); \
- abort(); \
- } \
- } while(0)
- /* non-fatal assert */
- #define assertnf(exp) do { \
- if (! ( exp ) ) { \
- abortLog("assert failed: " #exp); \
- if (htsCallbackErr != NULL) { \
- htsCallbackErr("assert failed: " #exp, __FILE__ , __LINE__ ); \
- } \
- } \
- } while(0)
- //
- #define malloct(A) malloc(A)
- #define calloct(A,B) calloc((A), (B))
- #define freet(A) do { assertnf((A) != NULL); if ((A) != NULL) { free(A); (A) = NULL; } } while(0)
- #define strdupt(A) strdup(A)
- #define realloct(A,B) ( ((A) != NULL) ? realloc((A), (B)) : malloc(B) )
- #define memcpybuff(A, B, N) memcpy((A), (B), (N))
- #endif